Natural fading of a tattoo is a good thing when it comes to removing a tattoo. The reason is it will take less sessions of Tattoo Removal. The natural fading process occurs when your outer layer of skin called the epidermis starts to shed it’s cells. The epidermis is a superficial layer of skin that sheds cells regularly. As they slough off these old cells are replaced with newer cells. Although tattoos naturally fade with time, the ink that was injected into your skin to create your tattoo was injected deeper into the dermis (the skin below the epidermis). Dermal cells do not continuously slough off the way epidermal cells do, hence needing the help of a laser to aid in the process of removal. The old skin cells containing tattoo ink die and are replaced by healthy, pure, ink free cells. When this happens it will also give a visual effect that your tattoo is fading. For more information on laser tattoo removal visit us at