The right aftercare can make a massive difference on the results of your microbladed brows! In order for your new brows to heal properly, it is imperative that proper after care is adhered to, for your new eyebrows to last.
Microblading is tattoo technique that uses small blade like needles to insert pigments into the skin. Patients must be aware that an open wound must heal properly. Patients should apply a light layer of Vaseline or ointment morning and night for at least 5-7 days. This protects the tattooed brow and keeps the pigment from drying, over crusting and falling out.
While the treated area is healing, it is important that you do not scratch or pick at scabs that may form on the newly microbladed eyebrows, as this will greatly affect the outcome. No makeup should be applied to the eyebrows for at least 10 days as the area heals.
Eyebrows should not be immersed in water for 14 days. In addition patients should avoid swimming, excessive sweating, tanning and hot saunas for at least two weeks after the procedure. After 14 days, consider using sunblock when going out in the sun to protect the color from fading.
The eyebrows will lighten in color over the course of a few weeks to reveal the final outcome.
To book you’re Microblading procedure visit Lasting Looks Clinic in Toronto at