Having a double chin doesn’t mean you’re overweight or old. Although there are many causes for a double chin , the most common causes appear to be heredity, weight gain and the aging process.
One non-surgical solution to eliminating a double chin is Belkyra. Belkyra is a non-surgical injectable treatment that is specifically formulated to improve fullness found under the chin caused by fat deposits. Belkyra is approved by Health Canada for use specifically in the chin area.
Belkyra is injected into the fatty area under the chin which, helps to eliminate fat permanently. Belkyra is a quick in clinic treatment that usually takes about 30 minutes. Most patients will see results within 2-4 treatments.
Another option to permanently reduce fat deposits under the chin, is surgical liposuction of the area. While liposuction is a popular procedure, it is still surgery. As with any surgical procedure when liposuction is performed under the chin, you need to have sedation and recovery time. With liposuction, there is usually some bruising and swelling, and a post-surgical chinstrap must be worn for at least 4-6 weeks.
With Belkyra there is no sedation and no post-surgical down time. Some patients may feel some tenderness in the chin area as well as swelling after the treatment; however this usually subsides within a few days.
Both treatments, whether you choose Belkyra or liposuction are both permanent removal methods of removing fat under the chin.
Belkyra is now available at Lasting Looks Anti-Aging and Laser Clinic in Toronto. For more information on Belkyra, visit https://www.lastinglooks.ca/belkyra