Chemical peels and IPL provide phenomenal results for your skin.
Regular IPL treatments can remove pigmented and vascular lesions all the while improving skin texture, tone, and overall pigmentation issues.
IPL or Photo Facial uses broad spectrum visible light to target melanin in pigmentation spots, broken capillaries and rosacea. Once an area has been treated with IPL, patients may see areas resembling coffee grinds or black specks on the treated area. These will eventually flake off the skin and results can be seen even after 1 treatment.
Chemical peels can be performed at least a week after an IPL treatment to easily remove these “coffee grinds” and leave your skin feeling refreshed and renewed.
Chemical peels have the added benefit of addressing enlarged pores, oily skin, pigmentation concerns, acne scars, wrinkles and sun damage. Chemical Peels also help to aid the natural exfoliating process which slows down as we age. This deeper exfoliation helps to resurface the skin and trigger new skin growth.
Chemical peels use glycolic, salicylic , or lactic acid that helps to remove the upper layers of the skin while stimulating deeper cellular renewal.
Lighter chemical peels will deliver light surface results with little to no down time, while deeper peels that require more down time, yield further resurfacing results.
For both Chemical peels and IPL treatments it is vital that patients stay out of the sun completely.
Protecting the skin from further damage is essential in maintaining good results. It is best to use a mineral based sunscreen with zinc oxide or titanium dioxide every day. This will avoid any pigmentation issues and prevent damage from the sun.
Start a new skin routine with Chemical peels and IPL today by visiting Lasting Looks Clinic in Toronto. Find out more about IPL and Chemical peels on our website at
Chemical Peels Toronto- Acne Scars
Acne scarring occurs when pores over accumulate with bacteria, excess oil, and dead skin cells making it impossible to breakthrough the skin surface. The accumulation expands until the pore breaks, releasing matter that causes inflammation and scarring.
If you have post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, chemical peels will help hasten the process of removal. If you have slight to moderate acne, vitamin A peels such as the Perfect Peel can aid in making scars less noticeable overtime as well. If the acne scars are deep, these higher concentrations usually aren’t powerful enough on their own to solve the problem.
Another treatment option for moderate or deep acne scarring is using a Dermaroller or by receiving a series of Medical Micro Needling treatments. These are very safe and effective treatments for acne scars since new collagen is generated, reducing the amount of sebum production in oily skin. By stimulating new collagen you will see a reduction in scar depth as well as general resurfacing in the area. Usually three to six treatments are recommended.
IPL also known as a Photo facial or Photorejuvenation helps in two ways. First IPL will target any redness or discoloration and will help by rebuilding collagen making the scars visibly less deep. IPL is non-ablative, and uses heat that kills bacteria in the skin to lessen breakouts. Often times IPL will be used in combination with clinical peels to create some impressive results.
Microdermabrasion is a non-chemical dry treatment that uses aluminum oxide crystals to exfoliate the skins surface. A sterile tip and controlled suction creates a vortex of crystals that rapidly reach the skin surface releasing dead cells. Microdermabrasion is not recommended for active acne as it will spread the acne bacteria to other areas of the face.
Lasting Looks Anti-Aging and Laser Clinic carry non-prescription products as well that will help control and eliminate acne which causes future scarring. Our Clear 60 Gel contains ionic silver that kills the p bacteria which causes acne. The Nano silver in Clear 60 purifies the skin and heals open acne very quickly without the use of irritants like Benzol Peroxide or Vitamin A. We also have our proprietary acne spot treatment, Ageless Solutions Rapid Blemish Eraser. This is very effective when used on individual pimples when they appear usually clearing them overnight.