If you currently suffer with acne or now have residual acne scarring Lasting Looks Clinic in Toronto may have your solution.
Did you know that Brittney, Rihanna, Alicia Keys, Cameron Diaz, Adam Levine and numerous other stars have all had acne in the past and some still continue to suffer from it.
At Lasting Looks Clinic in Etobicoke we have numerous treatments that can help you to control acne and get rid of both the problem and acne scarring.
This can range from topical treatments to Chemical Acne Peels and Laser treatments to help resolve scars and redness. As there are many causes and types of acne, we can put together a customized treatment plan that is effective for you.
Chemical Peels can vary in strength and type and therefore have different results. Not all peels can be used on all skin types. Clinical peels can help to get rid of the bumpiness, discoloration and scarring caused by acne. IPL can reduce the redness and depth of scarring that you have been left with. At Lasting Looks Clinic in Toronto we have your acne solution! Visit us at www.lastinglooks.ca